OFF: Movies

Christian000Mumford mumford at ONLINE.NO
Thu May 14 17:36:07 EDT 1998

> Chr. speaks...

Nossir! Wasn't me!

> >Heck when I was young I hated Brazil, movie made no sense to me at all.
> Seeing it >now puts it in my hall of fame.  Sigh when your young, dumb
> have no future its >amazing what your taste buds will discern.  Uh I'm
> talking about my self here OK?

....tho I'll have to agree: the perfect crossbreed of Clockwork Orange and
Metropolis/1984 in all dystopian respects. Great flick.

> 'Brazil' is the only (fictional) movie I've ever seen that constitutes a
> truly worthwhile experience, that is, above and beyond simple
> entertainment.  Well, 2001 comes close,

Insanely overrated film IM(H)O....

 and maybe the Wall, despite it's
> faults.

So that leaves about... what, 3 seconds of it? 1? 0? ;-)

> Of course, I don't go to a whole lot of movies (nor do I rent
> them), for the very reason that nearly all of them are immediately
> forgettable.

*sigh* well, I rarely go to the theatres myself but... have you seen
considered anything ASIDE from SF flicks? No???? Well...

 So in the last year, I've only seen 'In and Out' (good fun!),
> 'Contact' (ok, but a lot of stupid characters), 'Men in Black' (dull),
> the James Bond flick (ok, but diversionary only).

Never saw any those meself...

  Oh, and I saw 'The Fifth
> Element' on video, which was completely awful.

Pretty damn dreadful film, especially Gaultier's shameless ripping off of
the costumes and haircuts of Mike Baron/Steve Rude's Nexus comics.

And I also saw Blade Runner
> for the first time, and I don't understand what's the big deal about
> it...pretty ordinary stuff IMHO - no better than Total Recall.


> On the subject of Gilliam, I also quite liked 12 Monkeys, which I
> went and saw twice!  Unprecedented for me.  And the 'FAA' in my sig is
> derived from that movie.  I see he's got 'Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas'
> coming out soon.  What's it like??

Probably quite Gilliam-esque!

> Keith H. (FAA)
> ObHWmovie:  I've seen 'The Final Programme' but never managed to find HW
> the background.  Where is it??

Put on the 3D glasses.


"Rope 'em and ride 'em!"
   - Robert Crumb

"Catch a falling star, put it in your pocket"
   - UFO

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