OFF: Man - Welsh Convention

Andy Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Mon Nov 16 05:33:40 EST 1998

Yesterday's Man gig was a real family affair - I missed the opening band,
teenage sons of Messrs Jones etc, who (I gather) played various punk-style
stuff including a rendering of "My Heart Will Go On"...  They were followed
by an enjoyable young-ish pub-rock band who might have been called

Next was a treat - the first gig for 22 years of Martin Ace and the Flying
Aces, featuring Martin's wife (George?).  Pure nostalgia, but not half bad

Followed by a Welsh space/pub-rock outfit called The Green Ray (as in the
Eric Rohmer film, not as in Green Day :).  Hampered by the guitars going
hopelessly out of tune, they would have been pretty good otherwise!  Never

However this was followed by a most surprising turn, as three girl singers
in matching outfits took the stage, and launched into "The Clapping Song"!
Say what?  Only the presence of Ace and Leonard in the backing group made it
clear that this was, in fact, meant to be happening.  The band introductions
made everything clear: I think I've got the names right - Jo Ace, Liz
Leonard, and Cindy Williams...  They were great!  Full-on renditions of 60's
girl-band classics, from "Da Doo Ron Ron" to "Dancing in the Street" by way
of "California Dreamin'".  Miss Ace has inherited her father's knack for
stage banter.  "Wasn't it great to see my mother on stage?  Really brought a
tear to my eye.  Because my father was fucking terrible!"  Martin was
standing right behind her.  They call themselvers "Crystal Blue Persuasion",
probably because it's a really long name.  I was quite taken with Deke's
daughter but decided an approach would be inappropriate.  He'd just signed
my _Live at the Star Club 1998_, anyway.

Next up, Alkatraz.  I think this was their first show for a bloody long
time, too, but it didn't show - they were very good indeed.  Didn't a couple
of these guys used to be in Man?  A similar sound to 70's Man, whatever,
received very enthusiastically.

And at last, Man.  What can I say that hasn't been said?  As befits a band
on their thirtieth anniversary, they're almost telepathically together,
their long rambling jams have been honed into precise compositions of real
beauty.  No surprises in the setlist, but hey.  Jones' son joined for the
first encore (Jones: "Cheeky bugger!"  Jones junior:  "Short arse, short
arse!"), and looked as if he knew what he was about.  The current line-up's
got a few years left in 'em, but the future of the Man band is assured!

- Andy

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