convoluted nethawks T shirts

Marc Power mpower at CICG-DEV.ETSD.ML.COM
Wed Aug 25 17:58:03 EDT 1999

I think we should be trying to create more new original material
rather than all these reissues, who do we think we are, Hawkwind?

Space is deep,


It was wriiittteeeeenn:

At 04:04 PM 8/25/99 -0400, you wrote:
>On Wed, Aug 25, 1999 at 02:28:30PM -0400, Paul Mather wrote:
>So, now we have 4 different BOC-L shirts:
>Mk. IA   Nethawks original (art by Tim Fulcher)
>Mk. IB   Nethawks original + _ISoS_ back
>Mk. I.5  Reversed IB
>Mk. II   Hawkwind only version (art by Mike Holmes?)

I remember waaaay back there was a graphic of one of the shirts (I think
the one with the ME 262) on the old BOC-L website.  Does it still exist
somewhere? If the other versions are around somewhere , they should be put
on a website so  a vote could be taken of what and how many to print up.
After all, (I think) we have new people since then right who are probably
dying to be hipper than hip with such a shirt. (I know i don't have one fer

At least this time we won't have the list swamped in the great "what should
be on the shirt debate" that transpired. It took forever to get all the
messages during that! :)

Just another temple falling,

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