worst guitar solos

Mon Dec 13 13:37:46 EST 1999

In a message dated 12/13/99 11:42:48 AM, Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM writes:

<< Surely this is just a list of guitarists this bloke doesn't like?  The

article was rather funny, but I'm afraid this is moronic.

and as the messenger ducked...

well, yeah, your first line would appear correct. as such he wouldnt be alone
to have done so or similar in that regard.
doug walker of Alien Planetscapes ('dr synth') is comparatively more of a
jazz guy anyway*, and perhaps i hadnt forwarded enough of the sequence for
him to single out solos.

*though the trimmed-down AP rocked the house at Strange Days last summer.

twas moi who chose to share his perspective on this, because he's a rarity in
general, to which others here could attest.

pray for a good harvest


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