OFF: Beatles/Drugs

John A. Swartz jswartz at MITRE.ORG
Wed Mar 24 08:16:24 EST 1999

> The reason I caught on that part of the post is, I had recently had a
> discussion with someone who would not or could not accept that drugs
> had a
> large impact on the rock music of today.
> Here's a good question for y'all... Would the Beatles have had the
> same
> success without the chemically induced boost to their creativity?

I agree.  I wouldn't use it as an endorsement, but the impact of drugs
on rock music is there - both the good in the bad in some cases.  In my
reading of the Beatles, a book (can't remember the name at the moment)
basically chronicled the recording of all their songs - and you could
see how drugs may have played a part in both great albums like
"Revolver" and "Sgt. Pepper", but taken their toll by the time of "The
White Album" and "Let it Be" - true that there were other factors
involved, and certainly there are great songs on those albums as well.

> Oh and alchohol IS a drug, make no mistake.

I agree - I only seperated it because of the legal distinction from
other drugs.  I have first-hand experience on how alchohol can mess
someone up.

> ..and, never having done drugs is nothing to be ashamed of....

No shame - just wonder what I might've missed...


John A. Swartz - The MITRE Corporation, Bedford MA - jswartz at

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side.  Fear leads to Anger.   Anger leads
to Hate.
Hate leads to SUFFERING."  -- Yoda (Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace)

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