OFF: Pink Fairies, 'Pleasure Island'

J Strobridge eset08 at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Tue May 4 08:20:35 EDT 1999

Jonathan Jarrett writes:

>         Ah yes - I have one by that line-up from 1997 called 'No Picture'
> which is really really bad. There is one half-good track on it and another
> that nearly makes it that far and the rest is pants. I've nearly sold it,
> but it's a Hawkwind-connected album. This causes me Konscience problems.
> When was 'Pleasure Island' from again, or does the sleeve not say? Yours,

Forgot to check this but I'm fairly sure it came out last year which
makes it 1998.    It's only fair to say that there are (I think) 4
tracks on it of which the first three are, to say politely, completely
uninspiring tracks and had these comprised the whole album I would
have deemed it not worth a second listen and consigned it to my instant
resale pile.

However it's the last track that sells this album for me - a long
20 minute (at least) instrumental jam that starts quiet and builds up
into an extraordinary layering of guitar riffs and drumbeat that I find
utterly hypnotic.  The guitar work is perfectly timed with exactly the
right feel and flow to draw you in and the drumbeat is mixed far enough
into the background to give the rhythm without overwhelming the rest of
the sound.

It's great last-thing-at-night-before-finally-deciding-to-go-to-bed


J.D.Strobridge at                         eset08 at
                                                ELIJSA at

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