Non BOC/HW Y2K 'joke'

Andrew A. Apold mordru at FLITE.NET
Wed May 26 10:50:44 EDT 1999

>>>> There's a new year 2000 compliant product on the market,
>>>> Y2KY-Jelly.
>>>> Apparently it allows you four digits where previously you could
>>>> only get two...
>> And it's thumbs up for February 29th 2000 too.
>I believe that there is no 29 Feb 2000.  Right?

Wrong.  In the gregorian calendar, we skip a leap year
on every year ending in "00" EXCEPT those divisable by 400.

So this Feb 29 will be a rather unique day, it won't happen
again until the yeaer 2400.

Of course, for those unaware of the Gregorian skip (which
happened in 1700, 1800 and 1900) they will think nothing
is different....

"I was corrupt before I had power!" - Random

Andrew Apold

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