OFF: Bags x 2 (was Re: HW saddos)

Doug Pearson ceres at SIRIUS.COM
Wed Apr 5 14:08:15 EDT 2000

On Tue, 4 Apr 2000 20:06:58 -0500, "Sen. Volstead" <antisol at SOFTHOME.NET>
>Boston's terrible now! It gets worse all the time... more and more
>ignorant, jockish college students and "young professionals",  more corporate
>presence altogether, meaning corporate entertainment replacing the real
>Drugs, esp. pot, are getting *way* more expensive too. Rent prices going
up factor
>into it but how much cause or effect I have no idea. It's the general
trend of
>most cities I guess. (The Rat closed several years ago by the way).

Don't get me started on San Francisco!  ALL of that (except for the college
student part, since they all live in out Stanford or Berkeley) is true
there, and probably worse than any other city in the US.  The Silicon
Valley "bridge & tunnel" crowd (no, I'm not talking about you, Chris! :^) )
overruns certain neighborhoods on weekends ... it's just *bad*.  And the
I-Beam, Stone, and Omni, where Hawkwind played on their 89/90 tours in the
Bay Area (gotta have *something* remotely on-topic!), are all closed
(although the latter two sucked, to be fair ... the former location of the
Stone just reopened a couple months ago as a "gentlemen's club" [read:
pricey tittie bar] after years of being empty - it may not last since they
never bothered to get the proper permits to allow the -erm- exposure).

>Does anyone travel around the U.S. alot? Are there any major cities that
>getting all zombified?

There's always Detroit (the only place in the U.S. where people are still
living out the 80s crack epedemic, so I guess it's just zombified in a
different way).

         ceres at

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