OFF: smoking etc.

Ted Jackson jr. tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Mon Feb 21 11:06:47 EST 2000

On 21 Feb 00, at 16:24, M Holmes wrote:

> Nick English writes:
> > As the father of a 4-year-old, I generally tend to look at things
> > from the perspective of what I want my son getting involved with and
> > what I don't. In that sense, tobacco, alcohol and the "illegals" are
> > all taboo.
> Indeed, and the Prohibitionists often tell us that their excesses are
> excused by the need to Prooootect the Chilruuun, missing the point
> that in Prohibition these substances are functionally uncontrolled and
> their distribution handed to criminals rather than controlled and
> their distribution handled by retailers who have a profitable licence
> to lose if they sell to children.
Absolutely, goddamned right!  It's always the parents who expect the
government to help them raise their kids.  If parents are providing
such a sterling example, then, theoretically, the children will be
repulsed by the very mention of the word 'drugs' or alcohol etc.

We cannot have a perfect society.  Certain people will want the
freedom to make their own choices, and others will always presume
to know what's best for society in general.  And never the twain will


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