HW; Glastonbury 1990

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Sun Jan 9 19:26:07 EST 2000

        Dear All,
                  having picked up a copy of the above on the request of
Carl, and given it a tentative spin, I have to say that, yes, the quality
isn't great, but blimey they were on fire that gig weren't they? Great
performance, saving only Bridget who sounds rather too much like a
Speak'n'Spell at some points (though I like her reciting voice).

        Also, this copy and the other I saw have correct tracklists on
the back, so I assume Voiceprint caught up with that error quite quickly.
I imagine the ones with it wrong will now be ten times as Collectable...

n/p Ozric Tentacles - _There is Nothing_

 |                Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge              |
 |         (01223 741219)        jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk        |
 | =====================================================================|
 |"Find the microwave and you shall find the bison!" Clare Boothby(1997)|

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