HW : Glastonbury voting

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Sat Jan 15 17:09:23 EST 2000

>Pardon my streak of honesty here but are we not an organized and potent
>enough force without "cheating".  I think the festival would like one vote
>one person. Flame me if I am being whiney.

Well, this entire process is rather a joke.  The voters are going to be
dominated by those who have been encouraged to do so by others that like the
same band.  Hardly a statistically representative sample.  Only the few that
trickle in randomly for other purposes are going to be 'unbiased.'  So of
course, Eric was right and the Marillion/Fish list got 'hold of the idea
first.  This is the ole WMMS trick (Ick!  I lived in Cleveland for 5
years...never ever listened to it.)

So what the hell difference does it make...the only thing I see is that the
people running the vote can tell how many fans are networked together for
any particular group (and how clever they are).  Then that *might* be a
proxy for how many are likely to take the effort to travel 1000 miles to
Glasters to see that group.  Any true band popularity rating culled from
this would be worthless.  Note that the Porcupine Tree list is down for
maintenance right now...I don't think they have a single vote, do they?

I don't think there's any law against cheating on Internet polls, is there?
As long as you don't mention Columbine High School.

We have 10-12 computers here at the office, of course with 10-12 different
IP addresses.  Should I vote on all of them?

That's my final answer, Regis...Keith H. (FAA)

P.S.  I'm guessing that *all* of the bands are effectively 'write-ins', as
they just keep adding on more and more.  Who the hell is Morecheeba?

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