napster, hawkwind and mp3's

Tue Nov 14 14:11:21 EST 2000

At the risk of shameless promotion, as long as the customer pays for the
CD's, CD Services will deliver them anywhere in the world, as we have been
doing for years and years.
As to CDNow and Amazon, the very idea that 'if they don't have it,nobody has
it' (not so much as that is EXACTLY what YOU meant) just makes me laugh -
here are two companies who profess to have everything and they don't have
tons of things I  could name. It's like the people who go into HMV, Tower
and Virgin, to name but three, for CD's and are then told 'oh you can't get
that - it's deleted' and these poor saps take their word for it when in many
cases, the item they want is available from someone somewhere around the
world, if only they knew where to look. The surprised comments we get when
we supply people who say 'well, I'm amazed - I was told that the item was
deleted' is legion.
 Christ, we've got over 600,000 CD's on our database and even that's not
I don't blame people for trying elsewhere, that's fine, but so few outlets
are prepared to take the time to search comprehensively for an item required
by a customer , and that is what causes the problems when 'things' such as
Napster do what they do without royalty payments, because they simply don't
find out what is and is not actually still available.
They now say they will make such royalty payments but, honestly, who the
hell is going to police that one - talk about a red herring - and the USA
courts believed them, too.
Andy Garibaldi.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alissa" <coral at APORT.RU>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: napster, hawkwind and mp3's

> > > errrrr........yes, all very well and good, and I'm not getting into
> > > Napster argument again, but Sonic Attack and Choose Your Masques and
> > > Chaos Delight are readily available on CD and so that's another set of
> > > royalties for the band and members that they'll never see.........
> They are even not available through amazion or cdnow.

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