Moorcock Answered my question...

Joseph Brooks Joseph.Brooks at GCCCD.NET
Thu Sep 7 10:50:34 EDT 2000

Thought some of you might find this of interest.

Not quite sure what he means by, "Otherwise" but there you go..


Question - This question was asked by JB on 2000-08-29 15:57:46.

Mr. Moorcock, I am a BOC fan as well as a fan of your writing and have
wondered for years the answer to this question. You co-wrote the BOC song
"The Great Sun Jester" with Eric Bloom (at least, thats the way its credited
on the album). In at least one of the Fire Clown stories, his name is given
as Emmanual Bloom or, E. Bloom... (Bloome?). Is this coinicidence? Did the
Fire Clown stories pre-date your association with Blue Oyster Cult? I once
had the occasion to meet Mr. Bloom (the singer, not the Fire Clown heh) and
asked him this same question. He was unwilling or unable to answer me.
Another coincidence (if it is one) is that I am told by various sources that
Mr. Bloom was sometimes nick named "Manny". I will look forward to your
answer. This has been nagging at me for 15 years or more. JB

Answer - Mr. Moorcock answered this question on 2000-09-06 22:49:53
...Otherwise it was coincidental -- as are certain JC names!




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