So long and thanks for all the hawks

Andrew Apold mordru at FLITE.NET
Wed Sep 13 22:57:39 EDT 2000

>Yeah, Bolle didn't seem to like us (or Hawkwind) too much, did he?  ;-)
>> Well, anyways.  There's a certain community to this list, it won't be the
>> same without both.  I mean, the mystery tape that Theo was supposed to send
>> to someone, reports from Roswell alien conventions in New Mexico, these
>> go hand in hand with reports from Australian Hawkfans...   for sentimental
>> reasons,
>> I am against changing the name.
>Me, too.  Oh, wait, I didn't know this was under discussion again.  :)
>By the way, I'm back, did ya all miss me?

Nah, we kept blaming you for everything just the same...

welcome back, Steve.  Thought we might've finally heard your Swann song,
glad it wasn't.

Now if we can just get Torgo to delurk....

"To dwell within Samsara, however, is to
 be subject to the works of those mighty
 among dreamers."

 - Mahasamatman, in Zelazny's "Lord of Light"

Andrew Apold

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