HW: Blanga?/Brixton

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Fri Sep 15 12:38:35 EDT 2000

>On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, J D wrote:
>> I've read the term "blanga" written by people when talking about HW,
>> on several occasions on the list. I'm not a great one for labels, but
>> I'd love to know what the "blanga" sound is. Can anyone please
>> describe it for me? If it defies description, then how about list a
>> few ultra "blanga" HW songs? Then when the word is next used, I'll no
>> longer picture a pink wobbly jelly-like blob in my mind's eye! Cheers,
>        I think basically the album version of `You Shouldn't Do That'
>turned up loud enough to shake things is all the information you

I always think of "Born to Go" from Space Ritual as quintessential 'blanga.'
And that's not just because the band Born To Go labels themselves (or at
least accepts it as such) as blanga, but just because I think that song is
the 'purest' form. Plus, you can 'Blan-ga...blan-ga...blan-ga...' up and
down the Lemmy bassline quite easily.  :)

My only question...is it pronounced like 'tango' or 'Tonga'?  I had always
chosen the latter, but Marc P. uses the former.

On Brixton... (On Donner and Vixen)...

Over on the egroups Hawkwind list, Mike Burro seemed to make the suggestion
that Stacia might be in Germany (or else I misunderstood him).  Mike...can
you tell us (+ Andy Gi.) more?

Also, do you think the Hawkestra should start with everyone on stage for the
first song, and then have the audience vote one member off the stage between
each successive song, to end up with a sole Hawkwind survivor (note
obligatory BOC linkage)?  Then that person would do a solo performance of
whatever he wished, and then be sent to Russia to be shot into space and
spend some time writing and recording new tunes at Mir.

(In a sane world, that would seem ridiculous, but you know it's not far from

Grakkl (FAA)

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