HW: Weirdos in general

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Sat Apr 14 16:45:58 EDT 2001

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, John H. McCartney wrote:

> With compilations that cover a large timespan, I tend to stick
> them in just after the newest item on the comp, such that the
> mythical comp "Bottom End of the Hawk: The Bassists of Hawkwind"
> that had a track from IITFOTFTBD as the latest, then just behind
> there is where I'd put it.

        This I certainly do.

> I tried just putting all the comps at the end of the pile, but
> that didn't work well as that's where I stick collaborations
> and F&R type things.

        Split albums first, then V/A things alphabetically by title with a
band name as first word of that title if there's an obvious one, as with
the F&R albums...

> Anyone else have interesting solutions to this dilemma?

        When everything I owned was on tape and came to about forty albums
I kept them in a sort of playlist, and order in which one could just about
plauisibly follow another. I thought this was a lot more thoughtful and
less, ahem, retentive than storing them alphabetically, which was quiet
untrue, and then I got more albums anyway. And in any case other people
always put them back in the wrong place. Of course they still do because
they don't possess an itemised discography of all the relevant bands in
their heads but at least they're only within thorty or so CDs of each
other... Yours,

       Jon Jarrett (01223 514989)     jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk
  "There is a certain pleasure in being mad, which none but madmen know"

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