Hawknews / PS Andy G

Sun Aug 19 05:35:22 EDT 2001

that's the protective streak in me coming out - clearly 22 years of Hawkwind
mail order is taking its toll!!! (actually found the ad and group that
started it all the other day - and it wasn't Hawkwind bizarrely enough, but
you'll read all about that when the Andy G archives are published!!)
Yes - Tidal Flood are definitely set to be an exciting new find in
space-rock-ambient if their promos are anything to go by.
Andy G (no offence)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Z E Itgeist" <stuart.hamilton at SCOTTISH.PARLIAMENT.UK>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 10:11 AM
Subject: Hawknews / PS Andy G

> PS Andy - MQB - the *grin* merely denoted my satisfaction at getting to
> distribute MQB stuff as well.  As always I defer to CD Services, and in
> fact the cheque went in the post on Monday, and I'll be plugging you when
> my Tidal Flood review goes up this weekend.  Buy now, folks!

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