OFF: Looks like a good reason to celebrate

Andrew Apold mordru at FLITE.NET
Fri Jan 12 09:04:50 EST 2001

At 07:18 AM 1/12/01 EDT, Ted Jackson jr. wrote:
>On 11 Jan 01, at 16:47, Andrew Apold wrote:
>> >excuse me?
>> >are you saying the dh doesnt extend careers? and add at-bats?
>> yes, but it also means facing better pitching (all other things
>> being equal) across one's career, as the pitchers do not have to
>> wast time and concentration on batting, and are less likely to be
>> pulled for a pinch hit.
>Yeah but that overlooks the fact that pitching in general has been in a
>long decline.  Witness the huge himerun numbers lately.  Sosa used
>to be a 35 HR/yr kind of guy--back when our president-elect traded

Different eras....  no one hits .400 like someone used to every other year
back at the start of the century, either.

how can we bring this back on topic...  did Eric make any world series
predictions this year?   was the cricket bat used by Ian Faith in
Spinal Tap based on anything done by a manager we know?  Can we get
Doug Smith worked into this?
"To dwell within Samsara, however, is to
 be subject to the works of those mighty
 among dreamers."

 - Mahasamatman, in Zelazny's "Lord of Light"

Andrew Apold

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