OFF: Looks like a good reason to celebrate

Hall, Russell J russell.j.hall at LMCO.COM
Fri Jan 12 09:21:10 EST 2001

Eric hates the Yankees and often wears a "Sick of it all" t-shirt with a
redcircle/line through the NY yankees symbol.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Apold [SMTP:mordru at FLITE.NET]
> Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 9:05 AM
> Subject:      Re: OFF: Looks like a good reason to celebrate
> At 07:18 AM 1/12/01 EDT, Ted Jackson jr. wrote:
> >On 11 Jan 01, at 16:47, Andrew Apold wrote:
> >
> >
> >> >excuse me?
> >> >are you saying the dh doesnt extend careers? and add at-bats?
> >>
> >> yes, but it also means facing better pitching (all other things
> >> being equal) across one's career, as the pitchers do not have to
> >> wast time and concentration on batting, and are less likely to be
> >> pulled for a pinch hit.
> >
> >Yeah but that overlooks the fact that pitching in general has been in a
> >long decline.  Witness the huge himerun numbers lately.  Sosa used
> >to be a 35 HR/yr kind of guy--back when our president-elect traded
> >him...
> Different eras....  no one hits .400 like someone used to every other year
> back at the start of the century, either.
> how can we bring this back on topic...  did Eric make any world series
> predictions this year?   was the cricket bat used by Ian Faith in
> Spinal Tap based on anything done by a manager we know?  Can we get
> Doug Smith worked into this?
> =============================
> "To dwell within Samsara, however, is to
>  be subject to the works of those mighty
>  among dreamers."
>  - Mahasamatman, in Zelazny's "Lord of Light"
> Andrew Apold

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