
Samantha Kirwan samantha.kirwan at NTL.COM
Fri May 25 08:40:38 EDT 2001

did have two copies - will check at home tonight and let you know tomorrow.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Litchfield [mailto:slitchfield at UKONLINE.CO.UK]
Sent: 25 May 2001 12:48
Subject: HW: Book

OK, I'm hooked.

Loads of quotes recently from "This is Hawkwind, do not panic". I can't
find the book anywhere, new or second hand, and Kris never replied to my
email asking for it in paper or electronic form.

Does anyone out there have a spare copy (or willing to photocopy it)? Like
most HW nuts, I've some rarities for trade etc, and of course I'd
recompense any photocopying costs.

Steve Litchfield, slitchfield at
Simon King and Hawkwind,

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