hw: Moorcock Books for sale

Ben Fagin benfagin at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Thu Nov 29 10:07:08 EST 2001

Please email me offlist if interested

Ben Fagin 

The Chinese Agent A cock robin mystery     Macmillan 58579
King of the City         blue cover Scribner UK
The Dreamthiefs Daughter                   Simon & schuster
The Revenge of the Rose    Grafton 0 246 13734 7
The Dragon in the sword   Ace Fantasy 0 441 16609 1
The Laughter of Carthage Secker & Warburg 0 436 28460 x
Byzantium Endures 1981 Random House 0 394 51972 8
Elric at the end of time New Englsish Library 1984  0 450 06047 0
The fortress of the pearl Gollancz 1989 0 575 04515 9
The city in the autumn stars Grafton 1986 0 246 12843 7
The End of all songs 1976 Harper & row
The hollow lands 1974 Harper & row
The dancers at the end of time 1981 Granada
The war hound & the worlds pain  1981 new english library 0 450 04912 4
The golden barge new english library 1979 0 450 06027 6
The chinese agent 1970 Hutchinson
Legends from the end of time Millenium 1993 i 85798 043 3
The dragon in the sword 1987 Book club associates 

plus loads of free paperbacks

£100 for all the above or I can sell seperately A lot of these books are autographed

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