
Jean Lansford oystrgal at BELLSOUTH.NET
Fri Sep 14 06:14:02 EDT 2001

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:

>Boy, though -- if you're worried about politics on this list, it
>ain't *nuthin'* compared to what I'm seeing on the Gov't Mule list,
>which I also just rejoined.  Some of the people there have mindsets
>that are indistinguishable from terrorists themselves.  Christ ...

And Baen's Bar, where one of the Baen authors has just gone from
"local curmudgeon" to "flameout." As many active fen as hang out
there, word will get around quickly; I wonder how many others
will join the saner Barflies in taking him off their "must buy"
list. *shaking head*

Then there's SFF.net; I spent much of Tuesday relaying TV reports
to the newsgroups server there for people who were trapped at
work. A friend of mine joined the group there to keep up with my
"reports" posts; she told me later, "These people scare me."
(What did she expect from the man who invented the Draka?) At
least they've mostly calmed down by now.

Jean Lansford
oystrgal at bellsouth.net

"I fear all I have done is awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with
a terrible resolve." --Admiral Yamamoto

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