HW: Brock's Destruction of Hawkwind Reputation

gingoblin at EASYNET.CO.UK gingoblin at EASYNET.CO.UK
Mon Aug 12 08:43:02 EDT 2002

At 13:19 12/08/02 +0100, you wrote:
>f. rat writes:
> > If people are as Mr Brock states "likely to be confused" by the title
> > XHawkwind, maybe they didn't get any GC(S)Es in mathematics or English -
> > like not only are the two names spelled differently, they each begin
> > with a different letter and have a different number of characters in
> > them.

Maybe I just know thick people ;-)        A few people thought it was the
Guildford fest I was going to when I was off to Devon a few weeks ago. Fact
of the matter is that those without an in-depth knowledge of what's going
on WILL get confused.  Plus it'll be xHawkwind, note the lower-case x...
too easy for people to get a dose of golden years as opposed to golden
DECADES. Whose "golden" years anyway? Certainly not mine!! Nik plays on
some of my fave HW albums, but the rest?   Maybe it's their golden years
'cos it's the last time they did anything good, heh heh ;-)
If I go to see Inner City Unit in november, will I be contributing money
towards a case against one of fave bands ever?!! Ha ha, I'll stay at home
then...    Give me !CU over this xHawkwind lark anyday!!



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