HW: how long, how many, and why

Alan Linsley alankerren at YAHOO.CO.UK
Wed Nov 13 16:03:47 EST 2002

*Hawkwind fan:
Since 1980.  I was 13, and saw a biker in Fareham
shopping centre with Hawkwind painted on the back of
his cutoff.  "What's Hawkwind?" I asked.  "They're a
band" he said.  "Get into them, you won't regret it".
He was right.  Heard Master & Lord of Light on the
Friday Rock Show and knew I'd found something very
special indeed.

*how many CD's:
Approx 60, 100 if you include solo and satellites.
Another 50+ on vinyl, plus more solo etc etc, plus a
few vids & 1 solitary DVD

*collects live recordings and other Hawkwind junk:
Not much, got a few tapes, mostly stuff taped off
radio sessions.  Prefer the offical stuff usually.
Mostly collect fanzines, programmes, articles etc -
trivia junkie (but you'd spotted that already)

*why a Hawkwind fan:
Because they're perfect for me.  Just the right
balance between rock & electronic music, commercial &
underground, structured and improvised etc.  They keep
touring (I don't know how I'd cope if I were, for
example, a big Bolan or Zeppelin fan, must be
v.frustrating).  And they're never, ever dull.
There's always something happening.  Through HW I
discovered Moorcock & New Worlds, Pink Fairies etc
etc, and I'm eternally grateful for all that.  And my
car won't drive unless Valium Ten is playing.

*First album you picked up:
Astounding Sounds Amazing Music, original comic book
inner sleeve.  Still like it a lot, even if Dave did
chuck it out of the window of his house like a
frisbee.  Er, his copy, not mine, obviously.

*Seen live how many times:
63, first was Southampton Gaumont Sun 25th Oct 1981,
Sonic Attack tour.  Plus maybe 25 LLG, Calvert,
Bedouin, Fantastic AllStars, ICU, Bainbridge etc etc

*Nik or Dave:
Nah, Dave obviously, but isn't it a shame this is even
an issue?

*List member I'm most envious of:
Horse - first saw them 1971.  Respect.

Great thread!


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