Right to decide?

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Wed Nov 19 13:33:49 EST 2003

Ted Jackson writes:

> I suppose it's the lefties that are responsible for
> spying on peoples reading habits here at my library, or the lefties who
> were responsible for all those new video cameras at just about every
> intersection.

Certainly our lefties in the UK are rather keen on them. Blunkett has
yet to suggest keeping recods of what we read, but it wouldn't be out of
haracter for him. If you're sugesting hwever that I'm a fan of either
Bush or Ashcroft then you're very much mistaken.

> It's lucky  for us that there are so many conservatives around
> protecting my civil rights

I suspect you'll find that in the US, the Libertarians are keener to
protect them than are the conservatives.

> or there's be a camera in my shithouse due to all
> the hand-wringing lefties!

Is there a website?

> If the US is so awash in liberal fright, then why do you suppose that
> pinhead idiot in the White House was able to steal the election

Idiot leftwingers voting for Pat Buchanan is what I heard.

> and
> will doubtless be reelected even if he choses not to campaign?

So let's see: Bush is running an economy where yanks borrow a billion
and a half Dollars per day from the rest of us. He's mired down in two
wars. The government is borrowing near half a trillion Dollars per annum
and it still can't balance the books. Damn near every city and state
would be near bankrupt if the books weren't faked. Yet you'll reelect
Bush even if he can't be bothered to campaign. Why is that? Beats the
hell out of me.

> And how do you suppose that his puppeteer's company got to be the
> beneficiary of a cool $87 billion to 'rebuild' Iraq? What were those
> idiot lefties thinking?

Probably just the same as the Right: that they'll indulge politicians who
ignore the law just so long as it's their guy. What goes around comes
around I guess.


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