HW: What A hawkfan listens to

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Tue Jan 13 09:35:06 EST 2004

        Last ten things through my stereo:

My Dog Popper - _668 Neighbour of the Beast_ (borrowed Canadian 80s comedy
                                              hardcore, fabulous despite
                                              all those things)
The Bevis Frond - _Miasma_ (needs no introduction surely)
Monster Magnet - _Powertrip_
Hawkwind - _Alien4_
v/a - _Subculture Vol. 2_ (a German underground compilation I bought (and
                           was playing for the Electric Orange tracks:
                           pretty ropey)
The Fall - _The Collection_ (comp. of the early Rough Trade stuff, has
                             considerable blanga value for punk)
Porcupine Tree - _Recordings_
Hawkwind - _Astounding Sounds Amazing Music_
Hawkwind - _Warrior on the Edge of Time_
Black Sabbath - _Technical Ecstasy_
Steely Dan - _Countdown to Ecstasy_ (no relation)

        And if you don't count the Hawkwind that's only seven so I'll also

Dire Straits - _Love Over Gold_ (trying to remember why I used to like
                                 it; didn't succeed)
Cream - _The Best Of_
The Lovegods - _Give Me a New God This One Is Broken_ (Brighton-based
                                                       sort-of-folk group
                                                       with a truly
                                                       amazing and also
                                                       gorgeous singer)

        Looking at that, it mostly strikes me that I haven't been
listening to music here very much lately, that's more than a week's
worth and doesn't really touch the more characteristic parts of
my collection. Oh well, yours,

                Jonathan Jarrett, Birkbeck College, London
    jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk/ejarr01 at students.bbk.ac.uk
  "As much as the vision of the blind man improves with the rising sun,
       So too does the intelligence of the fool after good advice."
       (Bishop Theodulf of Orleans, late-eight/early-ninth century)

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