OFF: Orange Goblin (was: HW: How to capture the Roadburn Festival)

Colin Allen colinjallen at YAHOO.CO.UK
Tue May 30 06:46:55 EDT 2006

The Goblin do seem to have recovered their form; they are an excellent live band again.  Well worth seeing.

Jonathan Jarrett <jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK> wrote:
  On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 11:34:01AM -0700, Keith Henderson typed out:
> P.S. Orange Goblin last night here in ears still hurt. 
> Cool song selection...Solarisphere, Blue Snow, Quincy, Scorpionica,
> Hot Magic/Red Planet...older tracks I didn't expect really.

The last report I heard of Orange Goblin was that they'd lost 
Chris Butler the drummer, and what with him gone and only one guitarist 
they'd basically become a pub band with a big following. Do you reckon 
they've still got something special after all? They keep being on bills 
which I'm halfway convinced by and I don't really want to turn up and 
find that a band who were such a good live experience aren't any more, 
so I don't decide to go in time. All reports gratefully received, yours,

Jon (who would of course go and see them anyway if they were playing 
pubs rather more)
"When fortune wanes, of what assistance are quantities of elephants?"
(Juvaini, Afghan Muslim chronicler, c. 1206)
Jon Jarrett, Fitzwilliam Museum, jjarrett at

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