"Watching the Grass Grow" versions

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Sun Jul 1 18:43:36 EDT 2007

As you can guess from my recent posts, I'm currently sorting out a  
pile of Hawkwind recording on the computer. ;)  Some of my CDs are in  
the US, some in the UK, in whilst traveling back and forth in recent  
years, I've occasionally ripped a track or two here and there -- and  
now I can't always remember what they came from!

I'm trying to identify a (plausible) album release for a version of  
"Watching the Grass Grow".  The Codex says there are only two HW  
releases of this, so unless I've got an ICU version here (!?), it  
must be one of those.  The one I have starts with someone announcing  
"I'd like to present to you the night, and the... and the future."   
Or something like that.  Then Nik does his "We are the survivors"  
etc. thing and the song starts.  I think this is the 20 June 1984  
Stonehenge recording ... but if so, where was that released?  Is it  
_Undisclosed Files_?


Carl Edlund Anderson

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