(oFF?) Huw and The Rev Judge Trev and my babble

BUY NAKED CD insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Fri Nov 16 08:27:57 EST 2007

Dear People
after a long day getting totally messed around by cab-driver
inexcusabilities, then getting to an MD psychiatrist who may as well be an
angel and was there after hours to let me in......I got to the pharmacy (the
one I now avoid, due to them running me around over a week for a refund I
never did get),(I went there for the drivers convenience) they pulled it
so at the end of a way-too-long day, I got a parcel containing one nice
German LP of "Like an Arrow", and a true British press of Trev's "WoW"
this is where the fun was supposed to begin since the street urchin's are
liking my rock......BUT
in the package I thought was a Greasy Truckers CD, was a returned frickin
'unwanted gift....(now given to my doctor)
I excitedly hooked up the turntable, thought about using a tinsy bit of
silicone on the needle to replace the product called "last" I used to use
ONLY on the stylus, to find out the damn thing doesn't work
the pharmacy got my much needed food money and I threatened the shit out of
them....good thing I'm clever or the police would have been involved
so, I have a favor......could the forum people who own a German copy of LAA
please report it, as I am curious if there are others.....in my previous
life/years, it took me FOREVER to get one, only in time to never get to play
it............it's not a Hawkwind LP, so this shouldn't be too annoying, but
please do.......
sad mike

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