Tech question

Cliff & Pam Wheaton pamwheaton at EARTHLINK.NET
Mon Nov 19 04:31:00 EST 2007

Thanks! I'm going to ask a geek friend of mine if he's got a copy of 
that W98SE floating around. He may.I know it can't be purchased retail 
anymore, and if it's download, it's iffy on my connection rate :)

E F wrote:
> Hi Pam,
> I believe (my wife tells me) that you can drag and drop mp3 files into 
> the iPod without needing iTunes or any other software.  I think that 
> the problem you may have though is that w98 doesn't support USB.  
> W98SE does.
> This link may help you though:
> Good Luck.
>   --Eric
> Cliff & Pam Wheaton wrote:
>> Hello techies! I got my iPod a couple of weeks ago:) My poor old  
>> relic of a computer (Pentium 2/windows 98) will NOT run USB 2 or 
>> iTunes at this point. Is there any other way I can load this thing? 
>> I'm being told I do not need the iTunes to do this. If so, what 
>> program(s) will work?
>> I'm hoping to replace this relic of a computer before Christmas, but 
>> I'm not sure if I can yet. Any ideas?
>> Thanks in advance for the help!
>> Pam

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