Space Ritual London 25 Feb, 2011

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Mon Feb 28 06:27:03 EST 2011

and thank you Eli!!
I was getting very confused, because I know the stuff from Trev was
self-made, etc etc, and thought that might be part of it.

On 2/28/11, Elipxr5 <elipxr5 at> wrote:
> Hi. This is a Pal Region Free DVD. It will not play on most NTSC DVD players
> or NTSC TVs. I don't think this will play for Mike anywhere but on his
> computer with his set up. I am in the states and the DVD would not play over
> my equipment, but I ripped myself an NTSC burn from the DVD using Mac the
> ripper software, and it came out perfectly. You would probably need a multi
> standard player or the ability to burn an NTSC copy on a computer to really
> enjoy this on a full size monitor in the U.S. Its well worth it though.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mike coleman <insect.brain at GMAIL.COM>
> Sent: Mon, Feb 28, 2011 1:05 am
> Subject: Re: Space Ritual London 25 Feb, 2011
> On 2/27/11, Carl Edlund Anderson <cea at> wrote:
>> On 26 Feb 2011, at 08:01 , mike coleman wrote:
>>> I am assuming the DVD is PAL and will generally be a problem for a
>>> poor boy to watch on his cheap DVD players in the USA right??
>> In my experience, PAL and NTSC is not a big issue when it comes to DVD
>> encoders (unless you have a very high-end monitor and quite keen vision!).
>> The issue with DVD players tends to be region encoding (though quite a lot
>> of music DVD producers are savvy enough to produce music DVDs with Region
>> 0).
>> Cheers,
>> Carl
> Oh Kewl!!  because I was actually doing 2 things-
> I was getting a second opinion, I was told if it was in PAL I would
> need to play it on my computer, and telling the excuse why I might not
> be getting this myself.
> It does sound nice-ish!!!  and thanks......oh, just for 'good
> measure', some Nik Turner and Jufge Trev stuff that Trev once sent me,
> ended up being unusable, because the stuff would only play in one of
> my friend's players, and he's not that great a friend. Nor able to
> copy them
>> --
>> Carl Edlund Anderson

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