OFF - The Prisoner Vinyl

Mike Coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Thu Mar 19 18:06:50 EDT 2015

Tim can sleep??  assuming without aids such as something that might drop an elephant??

is he fat?? ( I seem to recall he is not)

blessings and half full cups

I would think using only common sense, and not actual knowledge that if Tim isn't fat he is not going to die on you just yet.
Mine was (surely) truly dangerous, but then I am high strung and could likely wake up to choke cough and gag (like crazy) and ultimately be stuck here more readily than some.

my comment about Kosh was obviously just silly.  I am simply "allergic" to warm and fuzzy and they do say cats get more hits on the web than anything......

glad you are all sleeping and in the same bed

Now who's gonna save the world

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