Problems on multiple ISPnet T1-level customers

Bob Tinkelman bob at TINK.COM
Sun Nov 5 07:58:10 EST 2006

Starting last night, our monitoring system has been recording
errors on a number of customer T1 circuits that terminate at
ISPnet's POP at Broad Street, Manhattan.  All of the problem
circuits are delivered to ISPnet on the same T3.

Last night, we opened tickets with Verizon on two of the circuits,
hoping Verizon would be able to localize the problem quickly and
fix it, and hoping that the fix would affect all circuits.

When that didn't happen, we proceeded on two fronts.  We opened
individual tickets on all the T1s where we have recorded errors.
We are also continuing to work with Verizon to test the T3 on
which the individual T1s ride.

We don't expect that this testing will affect other T1 customers,
but there is a chance that it will.

So, please be warned that you may see some service degredation
or interruption during the day today.

If you see any problems and have not already contacted us, please
do, either via phone or email, to make sure that we have your
circuit on the list of those needing attention.

Please accept our apologies for whatever inconvenience this
problem is causing.  We will continue to work with Verizon to
get things back to normal as quickly as possible,

Bob Tinkelman          <bob at>
ISPnet, Inc.

+1 (718) 464-4747  office
+1 (800) 806-NETS  toll free
+1 (718) 217-9407  fax

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