HW: Ozrics and DB Question

Stephen Swann swann at MINDVOX.COM
Mon Jun 24 16:49:56 EDT 1996

Guido Vacano writes:
> Hello--
>         All this Ozric Tentacles bashing is getting a bit annoying. My
> humble opinion is that anyone who doesn't like the Tentacles is missing
> something.

Actually, I find all this Ozric Tentacles discussion (pro or con) a
bit annoying.

There's only the most tenuous connection between Hawkwind and the
Ozrics (the fact that they've played a few gigs together), and yet
they're accepted as a major topic of discussion on the supposedly
Hawkwind/BOC list.  Personally, I think it should be taken to the
Ozrics list.

swann at panix.com

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