HW: Sonic Attack Cloth Bag

Andrew Gilham Andy_Gilham at MSN.COM
Fri Apr 11 05:06:25 EDT 1997

>Just out of interest, who out there would pay 100UKP for this rarest of
>all HW singles, given a once-only opportunity?

Not me - but then I didn't pay 25 quid for the Portuguese pic-sleeve "Urban
Guerrilla" they had in Reckless Records a while ago either!

As a penniless student, I coughed up the tenner that was the asking price for
_Greasy Truckers Party_ - but the 25 they wanted for _Glastonbury Fayre_ (with
pyramid!) was just too much.  (Remember, this was when you still got change
from a oncer for three pints of Paine's at Emma bar. :)

- Andy

Andy Gilham/Andy_Gilham at msn.com/Andy_Gilham at compuserve.com

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