HW: Yuri

langner timothy 96163497 at BROOKES.AC.UK
Sat Apr 26 05:44:25 EDT 1997

Joe said:
>  it's the *original* release.
>  it is recorded from *one* show
>  it was released at a time when the common hawkfan hadn't heard so much
>   of the early 70:ies on vinyl yet.

I just love the version of Urban Gerilia. Especialy where Bob amkes a dostried
noise into the micpohne. The quility is awful and some may say the band's
playing but I like the sturecture of it and with good quility (and to plase
some good night) it would be a good song. And as for Sonic attack. Can't say
hat's rubbish becasue it's so much like the orginal. And yes I'll buy anything
which incldues unrelaised hawkwind material so also like the unrelasied
hawkwind stuff on it. And at least they give us the date of the concert,
unlike Live 79, Stonehenge one, Buiness Trip and others offical realsied.

>Questions to those of you who use to throw your Gagarin releases
>like a frisbee instead of playing it:

>1) what do you think of _Text of Festival_,
>   another *original* release in similar situation as _Yuri Gagarin_?

I love Masters of the universe? Espally the talking in it. Any one know who is
doing the talking? But I don't like Shouldn't do that (part 1). THe saxaphone
is too much in one note/octive area.

>2) what do you think of compilations like _Live 70/73_, _Welcome to the
>Future_and Early Daze, where nothing new is brought to you?
>   A better buy than _Yuri Gagarin_..? More inspiring to listen to..?

I broguht live 70/73 because I didn't have any of the tracks then but it's
rubbish. And I obnly brought Masters of the universe becasue it was cehap and
I couldn't see text of festival around then. I still havn't heard the rest of
text of festivals but when I see an orginal copy I'll buy it. So I don't see
the point of reissuing them unless of course one is out of print and the songs
are unavaidable, but perpahs Hawkwind themsleves should issue them with better
quility or issue simlar (I mean simlar period)

3) if you had been on a hawkshow in London at the very day of 1973.05.27,
   wouldn't you like to have [parts of] that show in vinyl or cd format,
   no matter how the cover looked like, or how the sound quality was?
   (no, I wasn't...)

I want any hawkwind if I'm ever there.

And I do like Space ritual Volume II. I like the sound of it as well. Complete
songs. So if they issued the second side of the SR volume I with different
tracks, what about the rest of it? Surely that must exist and shouldn't do
that. If they got the osund from a tape then what about the rest of the tape.

I especialy like the bit in Brainstorm where it changes key suddenly (towards
the end). Sounds so good and I like the saxaphone in Seven by seven but it's
not as good as the BBC 72 concert. That's the best I have.

Timothy Langner

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