OFF: Y&T and singing bass players

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Tue Dec 2 21:57:08 EST 1997

Ted>hey, another Y&T ref.......what is that, 2 in a month? cool.....
but it WAS a good album, even though the track that Phil K. sings
really gets on my nerves....just don't really care for his voice..
is Endangered Species any good?

Haven't gotten Endangered Speicies yet, waiting for it to go domestic to
save a few bucks.  I love Phil's singing but then again I'm a sucker for
a bass player who can "twang" an sing at the same time.  Phil K, Lemmy,
some guy name Joe Bouchard 8>), the late Phil Lynott, Larry Graham and
oh the two best ever Doug Pinnick and Geddy.

Ted>and did you ever get the Best of King's X disc?

Another on my list to purchase.  I'm torn over this one.  KX is one of
the few bands I actually collect.  This one is released on Atlantic and
I hate the thought of putting a penny in their pocket period, but it is
KX.  Three new studio songs and a live version of Over My Head makes it
too tempting.

Ted>finally, is Savatage really that good?  I remember the "Dungeons are
era....last I remember hearing was "Gutter Ballet" and I wasn't too fact I thought Oliva was down right annoying...
should I give em another try?

Well its all opinions but I say Hell Yes!  This band has the right
amount metal and prog to make me salivate uncontrollably.  Whats more
they always seem to have some wicked guitarist.  The late Cris Oliva is
one of the best I have ever heard.  Alex Skolnick does Handful of Rain
after Cris dies and tears it up and then Al Pitrelli (sp) caps it off
with DWD.  I love Gutter Ballet, BOC should cover the title track would
fit them well.  Its also the beginning of the change from sheer metal to
a more progressive approach. I agree Jon's vocals are like Lemmy's, you
gotta get used to them, but get anyone of the disc where Zak sings (Edge
of Thorns, Handful of Rain, DWD and the new one Wake Of Magellan)  and
you get magic, that guy is great.

cha-ching cha-ching another opinion from the ROX/SUX guy.

lil' ab

"Isn't sanity just a one trick pony anyway?  I mean all you get is one
trick, rational thinking.  But when your good and crazy the sky's the
limit."  -The Tick

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