HW: Xenon Codex, Alien 4 etc.

John Majka flossbac at WCIC.ORG
Tue Feb 11 20:31:17 EST 1997

 I'd love it if they redid shouldn't do that is Nik turner as gust
>and then him and Ron could sing it between them. I really like Ron vocals and
>loved the studio version of Am I losing my mind espect for the very end where
>he made an awful noise. If they had left his voice out there. It would have be
>very good.
>Timothy  Fintan  Langner

You know, one of my favorite things about Alien 4 is the harmonizer on the
vocals at the end of "Are You Losing Your Mind?"  It's really quite demented
sounding!  On tour in the USA in 1995, Ron also used a harmonizer on his
vocals at points, not to "sweeten" the sound as is traditionally done, but
to detune it and make it into a strange effect.

John Majka
flossbac at wcic.org

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