BOC: Theremin

Wed Jul 30 13:39:05 EDT 1997

>From: "Ted Jackson jr. 6L6" <tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU>
>Didn't Jimmy Page use one?  Also, I think Ronnie Montrose may have
>used one at one time.  Don't know if either these guys used a
>theremin live, though...

Jimmy Page used a Theremin for the break section in "Whole Lotta Love".
You can see it in the Led Zepplin movie.

For lots of Theremin footage, check out Steve Martin's documentary
_Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey_.  NB: due to Disney's lawyers, the
video version does not contain the footage of Sam Hoffman demonstrating
a Theremin to the Mickey Mouse Club. 8-(

John McIntyre
Participant, First International Theremin Festival
Portland Maine
June 15-21, 1997

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