Off: Rollins review

Chris Warburton desdinova at EARTHLING.NET
Tue Dec 15 14:18:45 EST 1998

Sorry I took so long to respond:

At 11:34 11/12/98 -0000, you wrote:
>> > See today's Grauniad
>> > ChrisW
>> >
>> > Free your mind & watch your ass!
>> Since I didn't see the Grauniad, care to say whether it was positive or
>> negative?

Very positive on the whole, the only negative comments were that he went on
for too long on a couple of subjects, and I think the reviewer felt that
some of the material was too Americo-centric.

>Very useful posting that around midnight of the day in question, Chris! :)))

True, but I thought that those interested might be able to scrounge up a
copy from a friend/colleague/acquaintance.

>> I'm crap at reviews myself, but I thought he was on form. A fine
>> diatribe to round off about men vs women. Women grow up, men don't. He had
>> some valid points  :-}
>I enjoyed the dialogue in last week's Time Out between HR and Eddie Izzard -
>made me wish I'd got it together to go...  oh well.

The review certainly made me wish I'd been there!

>> ObAussieCDBlitz:   Radios Appear / Ritualism / Woe Betide / Pedestal  !!
>Yay!  "Aloha Steve and Danno" through to "The Way You Suck Me Down"!
>- Andy
>ObCD: Wayne Kramer - _Live Like a Motherfucker_

ObNewspaper: The Grauniad (of course)

Free your mind & watch your ass!

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