OFF: [Ascension-Gateway] A Message from (the lord of light)-_-

Fri Nov 5 11:51:51 EST 1999

um, this isnt spam; it was sent to, um, 'followers', i of whom
forwarded this to me with an apparently straight face and asked my opinion. i
dunno what to say to her.
but i felt it was spaced-out enough to share w/my BOC pals.

ps> feel free to establish this as some kinda joke...i dunno...i dont get it

---- Original Message -----

From: ACCNL <aura at>

To: <Ascension-Gateway at>; Ashtar-Command List

<ashtar-l at>

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 9:40 PM

Subject: [Ascension-Gateway] A Message from Melchizedek received by Rev.

John F. Schulte

> From: ACCNL <aura at>


> Preparing NOW for the New Millennium

> A Message from Melchizedek

> received by Rev. John F. Schulte


> Please Read this with an Open Heart.

> If you Resonate with the message,

> please Copy it and Forward to ALL the Lightworkers you know.


> Hello Dear Ones,

>     You who are the Lightworkers are the Ones receiving this call

> today.  You have chosen to step forward and serve, so we would choose to

> ask that service of you now.  You, no doubt, have some awareness of the

> coming turn of the century, the changing of the Millennium.  You also

> are  already to some degree open to your healing process and to aiding the

> healing of the planet.  And so We, the Spiritual Hierarchy, now ask you

> to take another specific set of actions to continue your own healing and

> the healing of the planet Earth.

>     Although the Date and Time of the changing of the Millennium DOES

> NOT have Celestial importance in and of itself... this change DOES carry

> much importance because of the weight of the MASS CONSCIOUSNESS which

> supports its importance.  Currently there are few upon the planet who

> are  running around like "chicken little" crying that the world will end

> that day.  Many are suggesting that there will be problems associated

> with the so-called Y2K bug.  But most of these are not wringing their

> hands in fear either.  Mostly there are those who are taking a "wait and

> see" attitude toward the whole event.  Therein lies the danger Dear

> Ones.

>  For the Mass Consciousness holds several core beliefs based in that

> (fear and separation) which is currently in the process of healing on

> the  Earth.  The first of these many of you refer to as Murphy's Law:

> Whatever can go wrong, will.  The second of these that is important here

> is the belief that one can actually make no change in the big picture.

> It is the lack of self-worth issue once again dear ones.  That leads to

> another stance toward the Earth of "it's NOT MY JOB."  You have chosen

> to  step forward and make this healing process your job.  We thank you in

> advance for your support.

>     Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear because it is completely

> based within the experience of separation from ALL that is out there.

> As  the deadline of the millennium approaches more and more of those who are

> not actively on their healing path will be pulled in by the WAVE of fear

> of the impending uncertainty, but the certainty that there will be some

> degree of Murphy's Law, so to speak. As more are pulled in the

> wave will grow in weight and thus be able to pull in those who had

> managed to stay a bit more balanced.  As fear is induced in them the

> weight of the wave of Mass Consciousness will become even stronger, thus

> pulling more and more in. And so on, pulling in people who had managed

> to  stay centered...  the uncertainty will grow, even in many of those who

> are quite centered now...  thus the wave will continue growing ever

> larger until the actual time of the change arrives.  When the time

> arrives, the wave of fear will be huge.  This wave will cause

> repercussions.  Unless action is taken now... this wave is not

> insurmountable or unstoppable.  For the most part it is and will be a

> product of unconscious beliefs, unconscious forces at work.  THEREFORE,



> entirety.  So, we ask each of you to take a few brief steps with

> regularity between now and the date of the changing of the years:

>     Begin on a daily basis (or more often if possible) taking time

> (even 5 minutes is good) to focus on a new vision of peace in the New

> Age.  Allow that vision to be one of ALL PEOPLE (including most

> especially yourself) actively engaged in DOING their BEING....Right now

> as you read this, sit with that idea.... It means all people fully

> expressing themselves.... Fully expressing their light...You fully

> expressing yourself and your light.  It is a world in which no one is in

> fear because no one experiences separation from themselves or each other

> or the world.  How does that world feel to you now??  How would it feel

> if you experienced it that way right now??  Let yourself embrace this

> feeling fully.  This is the world that is coming into being, birthing

> itself now.  The contractions of this birthing process can be, as they

> have been, painful at times.  But with a number of you actively engaged

> in building a new mass consciousness--one of peace and wholeness and

> unity--these pains can continue to be lessened.  The mass consciousness

> of fear need not crest and crash as the millennium roars to a close.

> You can change the future....your future....and in so doing help to change

> the future of the world.

>     "Whenever two or more are gathered in my name"... Although you

> can come together physically, and you can join at specific times, you

> need not gather at the same time or in the same place in order to be

> effective...JUST GATHER IN THIS SAME INTENTION!!!  To aid yourself in

> choosing to participate consistently, set aside a specific time or times

> for  yourself each day.  Schedule your daily "creation time."  As you

> add  your energy to this vision it adds momentum and weight to this new mass

> consciousness of the truth of the ALL as ONE.   This reunites you in

> your  awareness, for your awareness is the only place you've ever been

> separate  anyway.  Many thanks brothers and sisters in the Light.



>  Blessings, Love, & Light

>     Lord Melchizedek


> --

> Cmdr. Andras Sheran

> Ashtar Lightwork Center / ACCNL

> Global Council of Ground Crew Commanders


> ACCNL at


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