BOC: HW: Moorcock BOC tracks

W. Jeffrey Rankin jrankin at VOYAGER.NET
Fri Aug 11 12:17:18 EDT 2000

Well, there's a reference to "Where the winds of limobo roar..." in VotPW,
might it be a reference to the same book (the first one you mentioned,
which I've never read BTW, so I'm not sure)?

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, Michael R Godwin wrote:

> Agreed. Now can anyone remind me which Moorcock books the characters and
> ideas in these songs are drawn from? 'The Great Sun Jester' is obviously
> the Fireclown from 'Winds of Limbo'. I guess that 'Black Blade' is an
> Elric reference. Not sure about VotPW. Some Jerry Cornelius thing
> possibly?
> - Mike Godwin

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