HW: State of things..

SHLL (Scott Heller) shll at HAGEDORN.DK
Sun Feb 3 08:59:23 EST 2008

Hello Dave

I wish we knew more.. There has been no official word about the
circumstances of Alan leaving. Seems he just wanted to get on with a lot
more music that Hawkwind can allow him to. I don't think and there have
not been any rumors of bad blood between him and dave or anything nasty

As for Tim and Huw, people seem to be very satisified with the recent HW
gigs with Tim. Lets hope they are recording some new stuff now!  As for
Huw, saw him at the space rock spectacular in Drayton in October and he
was dreadful. I think he needs to give up the electric guitar. He simply
can't play anymore.. Terrible.. Harvey was there and played killer stuff
but was quite dismayed with Huw....

Hope for a good 2008 for us Hawkwind fans..


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